Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Welcome to Let's Talk Bigfoot!

My co-host Melissa and I cannot say it enough, welcome to Let's Talk Bigfoot internet radio show now on Talkshoe.com. We are so proud of our listeners for making our show as popular as it has become in the short time we've been doing the show. We look forward each week for Wednesday 9 p.m. Central to roll around so we can spend quality time with great guests and hear from our listeners as we delve into the bigfoot mystery.

There is so much we don't know, first and foremost is there a North American great ape tracking up the landscape of this country? Well nobody knows for sure and that's why it is perhaps the mystery of all time. Melissa and I leave open the possibility that there is a species of animal matching the description so many witnesses have given in countless reports, not just in the United States, but worldwide, and for centuries. The mystery of bigfoot either boils down to a real species of animal that continues to be reported all over the globe, or it is the most widespread consistent hoax of all time. We tend to think the former since a hoax of that magnitude is even harder to believe than the existence of an unspecified bipedal species of great ape. We took up our opinions and questioning nature and beat a path to internet radio to discuss our opinions and those of our weekly guests with everyone who wants to participate in our show. Not only do we discuss the bigfoot mystery but we delve into the researchers themselves. Since there are many different opinions on the aspects of the possibility we want you, the listeners, to have the opportunity to hear the different researchers opinions, and make up your own mind.

Join us each Wednesday at 9 p.m. Central, 10 p.m. Eastern on Talkshoe and Let's Talk Bigfoot!

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