Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Interview with Diane Stocking

Diane Stocking was a delight to interview. She had some difficulties calling in to the show but once that was squared away she tackled our questions with open honesty and the experience that comes with many years spent in the quest for knowledge in bigfootery. Diane discussed everything from her take on the origins of the species to her views on David Shealy with grace and style.

Diane discussed her views and opinions magnificently, and gave reasonable arguments for her opinions. This is a must listen for anyone following the bigfoot phenomenon whether you are a researcher or an enthusiast. As an added pleasure research notables Don Keating and Larry Lund called in to the show.

We would like to thank Diane for being a guest on our show, and as she has agreed to return, I am looking forward to the next time we have the opportunity to talk to her. Diane's logic is easy to follow and her laughter is contagious - and we all need more of that :)

As with all interviews, you can either choose the interview from the podcast provided by Talkshoe on the right or if you'd like to download the interview it is available from our show on Talkshoe in the Science category.

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