Monday, May 28, 2007

Who's Responsible?

On the most recent program of "The Sasquatch Triangle" hosted by Don Keating and produced by Henry May under the SasquatchMedia banner I was confused to hear something repeated that was not corrected and should have been. How did the show "Let's Talk Bigfoot" hosted by Teresa Hall and myself get started? Well, it's really not a mystery and did not involve Henry May, however, Don Keating gave Henry the credit for producing our show on the "Sasquatch Triangle." This is not Don Keating's fault. Henry should have made that correction promptly, and he did not.

This show became a reality when I had a conversation with Sean Forker, the host of "Sasquatch Experience." I told Sean that Kathy Strain and her husband, Bob, were interested in producing a show, to be hosted by myself and Teresa Hall. As a result, Sean was gracious enough to give up one hour of the time allotted to him by Blogtalk once a week on Wednesday nights to see that our show had a good spot in primetime programming. It was understood at that time that the show would be produced by Kathy and Bob Strain, and we agreed to become part of the "SasquatchMedia" family. Our show was in this time slot on Blogtalk radio for roughly 2-3 weeks, when we decided to move it to Talkshoe, due to many listener complaints about poor audio on Blogtalk and because we wanted more control in the inner workings of the show.

Teresa and myself feel it's very important, to give credit where credit is due and that the proper people receive credit for their hard work in bringing our show to life. That credit goes to Kathy and Bob Strain as our sole producers, and of course Sean Forker for allowing us to debut in a primetime slot. Henry May did assist in the first three shows by controlling the Blogtalk switchboard, monitoring a chatroom for questions, and letting us know when we had a caller on the line. Henry should never have indicated he was the executive producer or assistant producer and should have cleared up the misconception when it occurred on a show he does produce. We do thank him for the technical assistance he gave us while we were affiliated with Blogtalk but he has never produced our show.

If you think I am upset by this, you are correct. I would like to take this time to thank Sean for his help, and hard work premiering our show on BlogTalk Radio and allowing us to use a primetime slot. Teresa and I are thankful to him for his generous offer. However, we felt we should clear the air and explain that Bob and Kathy Strain have always been, and will continue to be the producers of the Let's Talk Bigfoot show and we are proud to have them working hard to bring the best guests to the show for you, our listeners. We are also proud to be endorsed and supported by the Alliance of Independent Bigfoot Researchers.

As long as we are clearing the air, we'd also like to thank Matt Knapp for the great intros and closers he has provided for the shows and the great sound work he continues to do for us. We have a great team!

Melissa M. Hovey
Teresa Hall

Friday, May 25, 2007

Interview with Monica Rawlins of the TBRC

Well, we've scooped this one! Monica Rawlins during her interview announced for the first time live on our show that the Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy would be holding their annual conference in Jefferson Texas on Saturday November 10th, 2007.

Speakers slated for the event include:
Pete Aniello
Alton Higgins
Kathy Strain
Rick Noll
Jeff Meldrum
Dr. Henner Fahrenbach

We were happy to bring this announcement to you live on Let's Talk Bigfoot!
We'd like to thank Monica for coming onto the show. Melissa soloed on this interview since yours truly was having technical difficulties with poor cell signal but Melissa received some assistance during the interview from our very own Kathy Strain who stepped in quite nicely. Monica said she would be glad to make a return appearance on the show and we will be looking forward to that!

Thank you to everyone who listened to the show live, those who have downloaded the show and those who plan to listen. The archived segment is available. We'd even like to thank the guy who called in with the bogus report. Which reminds me, our show is a family oriented show so please don't use language you wouldn't use around a child on our show. :)

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Interview with Montra Freitas

We've put another show to bed and a co-host, Melissa was under the weather so producer and researcher extraordinaire Kathy Moskowitz Strain co-hosted the show with yours truly. Each week, I keep saying that we've had the best show yet, and each week they just keep getting better and better, and this week is certainly no exception. We were fortunate to have Montra Freitas, one of the true pioneers of bigfoot research on our show to talk about her experiences and methods of research. Montra can stand on her own two feet in any crowd, but she comes to us as the wife of John Freitas, the Godfather of Callblasting. Together they are a wealth of knowledge and protocol in the field.

As an added bonus, Montra Freitas and Kathy Strain our producer, are quite good friends, have done extensive research together and Kathy brought out the best of Montra. We found out everything from Montra's own sighting report to the fact she has a weakness for donuts.

I'm not going to give out all the good stuff of the interview because mere print could not do it justice. This interview is one of my favorites and I recommend it as a must listen!

I'd like to thank Montra again for appearing on our show and I'd also like to thank Kathy Strain for filling in as host for Melissa. The hour flew by faster than I wanted it to and I bet you'll feel the same way when you listen to the podcast if you missed the live show.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Interview with Kathy Harper

The interview with Kathy Harper might quite possibly be the most entertaining one yet. A case of nerves had a tight grip on her but she rose to the occasion like the fiery redhead she is and plowed ahead.

Living in the Pacific Northwest, the land of rain forests and sasquatches, Kathy was a wealth of information on habitat and dietary possibilities for their variety of the gentle giants. "It isn't all about deer" though plentiful in that area of the country, according to Kathy, it is quite possible for a large animal to sustain itself comfortably and healthily on the many varieties of berries, bark and bugs native to the Pac-NW. Kathy has been doing much research in the area of available food sources, medicinal plants and the nutritional /medicinal value they would afford a bigfoot creature without having to rely upon the predation of deer for sustenance. This interview should make researchers sit up and take notice of the food sources in their parts of the world in relation to their research.

Kathy wasn't all business, however. She offered her opinion of Patty's "beautiful big butt" and she feels that Patty is no hoax. Patty's butt is no diaper and she offered her grandma's diapered posterior as a comparison in her opinion. I'd like to say no animals were harmed in the recording of this interview though one dog was kennelized in the middle of the show.

For the crew of Let's Talk Bigfoot we'd like to thank Kathy Harper for the informative and most entertaining interview and invite her back anytime she can give us a spare moment of her time!

Interview with Diane Stocking

Diane Stocking was a delight to interview. She had some difficulties calling in to the show but once that was squared away she tackled our questions with open honesty and the experience that comes with many years spent in the quest for knowledge in bigfootery. Diane discussed everything from her take on the origins of the species to her views on David Shealy with grace and style.

Diane discussed her views and opinions magnificently, and gave reasonable arguments for her opinions. This is a must listen for anyone following the bigfoot phenomenon whether you are a researcher or an enthusiast. As an added pleasure research notables Don Keating and Larry Lund called in to the show.

We would like to thank Diane for being a guest on our show, and as she has agreed to return, I am looking forward to the next time we have the opportunity to talk to her. Diane's logic is easy to follow and her laughter is contagious - and we all need more of that :)

As with all interviews, you can either choose the interview from the podcast provided by Talkshoe on the right or if you'd like to download the interview it is available from our show on Talkshoe in the Science category.

Interview with M.K. Davis

What exactly is a bigfoot? That's the question we ask ourselves all the time. It walks upright, monkeys don't normally do that. There are reports of it dropping to all fours at times, humans don't do that. Is it some throwback from a civilized people? Is it an advanced ape? Mr. Davis has his own opinions from work he's done on the Patterson Gimlin film. He's devoted ten years of his life to stabilizing a gif format from the shaky 1967 favorite of bigfooters everywhere. What did he find? We asked him that question and many more. He shared his thoughts with us on what Patterson filmed that day.

The interview with Mr. Davis was one of the most interesting we've undertaken and certainly one of the most interesting I've ever heard. Being an accomplished astronomer and photographer of the stars (astronomy, not celebrities), Mr. Davis turned his considerable talent to the Patterson Gimlin film and the interview was accompanied by many photos representing his work on the famed 1967 film. If you haven't listened to the now archived interview with M. K. Davis, Melissa and I recommend it wholeheartedly! You can either use the podcast on the right provided by Talkshoe and scroll down to the M.K. Davis interview or if you'd like to download the interview, go to Talkshoe and browse the categories until you find Science alphabetically listed. The Let's Talk Bigfoot show will be in the list of talkcasts listed. Click on that and then click on the M.K. Davis interview. Mr. Davis graciously accepted an invitation for a follow-up interview and we plan to schedule one in the near future for another interesting chat with this veteran researcher.

Welcome to Let's Talk Bigfoot!

My co-host Melissa and I cannot say it enough, welcome to Let's Talk Bigfoot internet radio show now on We are so proud of our listeners for making our show as popular as it has become in the short time we've been doing the show. We look forward each week for Wednesday 9 p.m. Central to roll around so we can spend quality time with great guests and hear from our listeners as we delve into the bigfoot mystery.

There is so much we don't know, first and foremost is there a North American great ape tracking up the landscape of this country? Well nobody knows for sure and that's why it is perhaps the mystery of all time. Melissa and I leave open the possibility that there is a species of animal matching the description so many witnesses have given in countless reports, not just in the United States, but worldwide, and for centuries. The mystery of bigfoot either boils down to a real species of animal that continues to be reported all over the globe, or it is the most widespread consistent hoax of all time. We tend to think the former since a hoax of that magnitude is even harder to believe than the existence of an unspecified bipedal species of great ape. We took up our opinions and questioning nature and beat a path to internet radio to discuss our opinions and those of our weekly guests with everyone who wants to participate in our show. Not only do we discuss the bigfoot mystery but we delve into the researchers themselves. Since there are many different opinions on the aspects of the possibility we want you, the listeners, to have the opportunity to hear the different researchers opinions, and make up your own mind.

Join us each Wednesday at 9 p.m. Central, 10 p.m. Eastern on Talkshoe and Let's Talk Bigfoot!